Monday, July 8, 2013

Matt Pilo

Name:  Matthew Pilo
Hometown:  Wantagh, NY
High School:  Wantagh High School
Year in School:  Senior
Major/Minor:  Wellness Management/Health Science
Favorite Event:  100 Breast

How would you describe yourself in three words?
Determined, Adaptable, Optimistic

What is something that not a lot of people know about you but you WISH more people COULD know?
I have been called the songbird of my generation

If you could meet someone living or dead, who would it be and why?
Chris McCandless because he became so fed up with the problems of the world and the obsession with money that he gave up everything he had to live out in the wild and “just live”

If you could speak to one type of animal, what would it be?
Either dogs or monkeys

What would be impossible for you to give up?
Having fun

What was the most interesting trip you have ever taken? Why?
Training trip, no explanation necessary

And of course, how many five-year-olds could you take in a fight?
Depends on the species, if we’re talking humans I can conservatively say like 30, but if its 5 year old hippopotami than maybe only like 25.

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